Heartstrings & Laugh Lines
3 min readJan 23, 2021


I love my family. That’s hardly a surprising comment. No shock value or mystery hidden in that statement. Nope. Completely unremarkable. It’s as simple, uncontroversial and obvious a statement as one can make. And yet … it’s one of the most heartfelt things I can say. I love my family. Every gift, talent, quirk and flaw. Through all the laughter, all the tears and yes, even the fights. We are as imperfect a group as you will ever find, but man are we perfect for each other. We know how to push buttons to aggravate and how to hug to comfort. (I think we could win a hugging contest if there ever is such a thing.) The blemishes are many — both figuratively and literally (we do have teenagers after all). But more than anything else there is love.

God put this love in our hearts for each other. I don’t believe He would have chosen for us all to be under the same roof if He hadn’t also planned for us to love one another through thick and thin. And believe me, there have been both thick and thin. Sometimes it has been the easiest thing in the world! Holding a newborn — ahhh, does it get any easier than that? Sweet, uncomplicated, full of promise. Just simple, gentle, all-consuming love. Then they learn to talk. Talk about bittersweet! 😜

Before I knew it, they were in kindergarten, middle school, high school … it’s almost a blur it went by in such a flash! No matter how hard I tried to slow it down, I failed. There’s just no stopping time. And then they graduated, became young adults making their way in the world. We survived the trials, hard times and hurt feelings and we also relished the easy days that were joy-filled, fun and brought us together. Sometimes the more challenging times still happen, although with much less frequency than when the kids were younger. But then there’s the laughter. Man, that just never gets old! It is the sweetest sound. Their laughter was always music to my ears. Believe it or not, their first laughs meant more to me than their first words. Okay, maybe if “momomom” had been first instead of “dadadad” I would be singing a slightly different tune, but I don’t think so. My memory’s not what it used to be, but I definitely remember when they were all just babies trying to imagine what it would be like when the three of them were teenagers — and older — just hanging out enjoying being together and laughing. Of course, I was never able to actually envision it, but the idea was a favorite of mine to ponder. And now when it happens … it’s heaven on earth. I love seeing them just having a good time together. But it’s just as sweet to hear it from another room. I just smile and get that warm, fuzzy feeling knowing that what I had dreamed of for so long has happened. It was so worth the wait. And when we, the parents, get to join in the fun — oh mama! Can you say “paradise?”

My kids make fun of me because I’m one of “those moms” who has “Live, Laugh, Love” in a couple different places around the house. I don’t mind being that mom. I do, however, wish I could make one small change to the the saying. I think whoever came up with it got it out of order. I know they are three distinct actions that are all important, but I believe if you have two of them, the third happens automatically. If you love and laugh … then you are definitely living. So please indulge me as I say it one more time: I. Love. My. Family.

